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Fundamentals of Medical Statistics

Elective course and continuing education for postdoctoral and doctoral students

Course description

In the block course Fundamentals of Medical Statistics (GMS) the course material of the compulsory course"QB1: Cross-sectional Block Epidemiology, Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics" will be repeated and deepened in order to provide habilitation students and doctoral students with basic biostatistical knowledge for planning, conducting and evaluating experimental, clinical or epidemiological studies for their empirical investigations.

The course is conducted exclusively in presence. Doctoral students can also take this elective course as a key qualification course in Module II of the Graduate School of Human and Dental Medicine (GSHZ) of the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne.
There is no examination. A maximum of one day of absence is allowed for successful participation.


If you have any questions about our teaching offers, please use the contact form to send them to the institute's teaching coordinator.

The access data for the lecture notes will be announced in the lectures.