Veröffentlichungen 2007
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- Beccard R, Land C, Remer T, Frommolt P, Schoenau E
Fracture risk in healthy children and adolescents-lack of association with bone mass and geometry, grip force and indice of the functional muscle-bone unit
Bone 2007; 40: S22-S89
- Engert A, Franklin J, Eich HT, Brillant C, Sehlen S, Cartoni C, Herrmann R, Pfreundschuh M, Sieber M, Tesch H, Franke A, Koch P, de Wit M, Paulus U, Hasenclever D, Loeffler M, Müller RP, Müller-Hermelink HK, Dühmke E, Diehl V
Two Cycles of Doxorubicin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine Plus Extended-Field Radiotherapy Is Superior to Radiotherapy alone in Early Favorable Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Final Results of the GHSG HD7 Trial
J Clin Oncol 2007; 25 (23): 3495-3502
- Gawenda M, Möller A, Wassmer G, Brunkwall J
N-Acetylcystein in der Prophylaxe der Kontrastmittel-induzierten Nephropathie
Zentralbl Chir 2007; 132: 227-231
- Guntinas-Lichius O, Kreppel MP, Stützer H, Semrau R, Eckel HE, Müller RP
Single modality and multimodality treatment of nasal and paranasal sinuses cancer: A single institution experience of 229 patients
EJSO 2007; 33: 222-228
- Joussen AM, Lehmacher W, Hilgers RD, Kirchhof B
Is Significant Relevant? Validity and Patient Benefit of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials on Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Surv Ophthalmol 2007; 52 (3): 266-278
- Klemm E, Bepperling F, Burschka MA, Mösges R
Hemodilution therapy with hydroxyethyl starch solution (130/0.4) in unilateral idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a dose-finding, double-blind, placebo-controlled, international multicenter trial with 210 patients
Otol Neurotol 2007; 28: 157-170
- Krug KB, Stützer H, Girnus R, Zähringer M, Goßmann A, Winnekendonk G, Lackner K
Image Quality of Digital Direct Flat-Panel Mammography Versus an Analog Screen-Film Technique Using a Phantom Model
AJR 2007; 188: 399-407
- Leweke FM, Giuffrida AM, Koethe D, Schreiber D, Nolden BM, Kranaster L, Neatby MA, Schneider M, Gerth CW, Hellmich M, Klosterkötter J, Piomelli D
Anandamide levels in cerebrospinal fluid of first-episode schizophrenic patients: Impact of cannabis use
Schizophr Res 2007; 94: 29-36
- Mösges R
Response to comparison of solutions for sublingual immunotherapy by Claus Bachert
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2007; 142: 345
- Mösges R
Kommentar zu: Michel O: Neue Leitlinien zur Rhinosinusitis. Sind sie für den Praktiker (ge)wichtig?
HNO-Nachrichten 2007; 6: 32-39
- Mösges R
Allergien im Wandel. Immer häufiger, schwerer und komplexer
HNO-Nachrichten 2007; 1: 18-20
- Mösges R, Brüning H, Hessler HJ,Gerhardt G, Knaussmann HG, and study group
Sublingual immunotherapy in pollen-induced seasonal rhinitis and conjunctivitis: a randomized controlled trial
Acta Dermatoven APA 2007; 4 (16): 143-148
- Mösges R, Klimek L
Today's allergic rhinitis patients are different: new factors that may play a role
Allergy 2007; 62: 969-975
- Mösges R, Köberlein J, Schog S
Was kostet die Hypersensibilisierung?
Allergo J 2007; 16: 586-590
- Mösges R, Köberlein J
Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
Underwriting Focus 2007; 2: 6-10
- Mösges R, Köberlein J
Mono- oder Kombinationstherapie mit einem Antihistaminikum. Was bewährt sich in der Praxis bei allergischer Rhinokonjunktivitis?
- Oskay-Özcelik G, Lehmacher W, Konsgen D, Christ H, Kaufmann M, Lichtenegger W, Bamberg M, Wallwiener D, Overkamp F, Diedrich K, von Minckwitz G, Hoffken K, Seeber S, Mirz R, Sehouli J
Breast cancer patients' expectations in respect of the physician-patient relationship and treatment management results of a survey of 617 patients
Ann Oncol 2007; 18: 479-484
- Pfarr O, Spielhaupter M, Schirkowski A,Wrede H, Mösges R, Hörmann K, Klimek L
Treatment of hypertrophic palatine tonsils using bipolar radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy (RFITT)
Acta Otolaryngol 2007; 127: 1176-1181
- Pfister R, Tan D, Thekkanal J, Hellmich M, Erdmann E, Schneider CA
NT-pro-BNP mesaured at discharge predicts outcome in multimorbid diabetic inpatients with a broad spectrum of cardiovascular disease
Actea Diabetol 2007; 44: 91-97
- Pfister R, Tan D, Thekkanal J, Hellmich M, Schneider CA
NT-pro-BNP is associated with long-term outcome in a heterogeneous sample of cardia inpatients
Eur J Int Med 2007; 18: 215-220
- Reimers N, Kasper HU, Weißenborn SJ, Stützer H, Prweuss SF, Hoffmann TK, Speel EJM, Dienes HP, Pfister HJ, Guntinas-Lichius O, Klussmann JP
Combined analysis of HPV-DNA, p16 and EGFR expression to predict prognosis in oropharyngeal cancer
Int J Cancer 2007; 120: 1731-1738
- Schädlich PK, Schmidt-Lucke C, Huppertz E, Lehmacher W, Nixdorff U, Stellbrink C, Brecht FG
Economic Evaluation of Enoxaparin for Anticoagulation in Early Cardioversion of Persisting Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2007; 7(3): 199-217
- Schmidt B, Roth B, Stützer H, Benz-Bohm G
Prospective Volumetric Analysis of Gallbladders in Critically III Newborns: The Impact of Nutrition
Neonatology 2007; 92: 201-204
- Seiler CM, Bruns I, Wolff S, Lehmacher W, Löffler M, Maier-Lenz H
Das Netzwerk der Koordinierungszentren für Klinische Studien
In: Kunz R, Ollenschläger G, Raspe H, Jonitz G, Donner-Banzhoff N: Lehrbuch Evidenz-basierte Medizin in Klinik und Praxis. 2. Auflage, Dt. Ärzte-Verlag 2007
- Sobesky J, Frackowiak M, Weber OZ, Hahn M, Möller-Hartmann W, Rudolf J, Neveling M, Grond M, Schmulling S, Jacobs A, Heiß WD
The Cologne Stroke Experience: Safety and Outcome in 40 Patients Treated with Intravenous Thrombolysis
Cerebrovasc Dis 2007; 24: 56-65
- Steinmetz T, Hellmich M, Neise M. Aldaud A, Lerchenmüller C, Tsamaloukas A, Fandel F, Weiligmann C, Totzke U, Schmitz S
Prediction of the Responsiveness to Treatment with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating factors: A Prospective Clinical Study in Patients with Solid Tumors
The Oncologist 2007; 12: 748-755
- Stuck BA, Bachert C, Federspil P, Hosemann W, Klinik L, Mösges R, Pfarr O, Rudack C, Sitter H, Wagenmann M, Hörmann K
Leitlinie "Rhinosinusitis" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
HNO 2007, 10.1007/s00106-007-1589-6
- Vehreschild JJ, Böhme A, Buchheidt D, Arenz D, Harnischmacher U, Heussel CP, Ullmann AJ, Mousset S, Hummel M, Frommolt P, Wassmer G, Drzisga I, Cornely OA
A double-blind trial on prophylactic voriconazole (VRC) or placebo during induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML)
J Infect 2007; 55; 445-449
- Versmold B, Felsberg J, Mikeska T, Ehrentraut D, Köhler J, Hampl JA, Röhm G, Niederacher D, Betz B, Hellmich M, Pietsch T, Schmutzler RK, Waha A
Epigenetic silencing of the candidate tumor suppressor gene PROX1 in sporadic breast cancer
Int J Cancer 2007; 121: 547-554